
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Pedophilia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Pedophilia - Research Paper Example Pedophile is sexually attracted not towards opposite sex people but towards young children. Pedophiles abuse children in order to satisfy their sexual desires. This is why they pose a threat to the society. Pedophilia is considered as a mental disorder according to the International Classification of Diseases (WHO, 2007). Treatment of this disease is not known today. In this essay we will argue why a crimes like pedophilia are still persistent in our society. Absence of Appropriate Punishment Appropriate punishment can hinder any crime. It is in human nature to give in to emotional desires and only threat of punishment can stop criminals from committing any kind of crime. It is very hard for human beings to control his or her impulses therefore law and order and its enforcement is important in order to maintain the balance of the society. This balance will be only be maintained if appropriate punishment will be given to the criminals in accordance with the crimes they commit. Treatme nt of pedophiles in the justice system is not appropriate and that is why pedophilia is still persistent in our society today. Perpetuators of sexual abuse on children are not punished severely by the criminal system due to many reasons. Mostly children are not able to explain what has happened to them and that is why pedophiles are not identified. ... When sexually abused children feel that this is too part of life and therefore are not likely to report such incidents. This is a big hindrance in the punishment of pedophiles. They take advantage of this and continue their crimes. Also in the justice system there are certain loop holes and pedophiles exploit them to avoid punishments for their crimes. Children can usually not recount what has happened to them and are mostly not able to testify in courts. This is why pedophiles go free and are not convicted in court. It is also hard to prove sexual abuse on children because abuse is different from that on adults. Sexual intercourse usually doesn’t happen with children and pedophiles use different ways to satisfy and pleasure themselves. This is why it is hard to prove sexual abuse on children due to lack of DNA evidence. When sexual intercourse happen DNA tests can easily prove that but this is usually not the case with children. This is another problem in the legal system whi ch is exploited by pedophiles. Also laws made for the sex offenders are based on emotions and do not focus strategically on the eradication of the crime itself (Lynch, M. 2006). This is another reason why punishment received by pedophiles is not enough. The nature of the crime committed by pedophiles is different from other crimes. First of all it is important to understand that pedophilia is a mental disorder. It is not a crime like murder or theft where criminal is committing the crime at his or her own discretion. In the case of pedophilia criminal should be treated as a patient. He is doing the crime because he is mentally sick. This difference should be taken into account before sentencing a pedophile. The sentence of a pedophile should be

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